This is such a powerful time. This year, The Lions Gate Portal coincides with the Leo New Moon. The Lions Gate 88 Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of the star, Sirius. This combination of energy opens a galactic portal that allows high vibrational energy to be transmitted to Earth, which we can all tune in and connect with. The Lions Gate Portal peaks on the 8th day of the 8th month, but we have been feeling its effects since late July and until 12th August 2021 The number 8 represents infinity – the infinite soul that we are and the infinite journey that we take.
8 is also the number associated with DNA activation, abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, making 8/8 a super potent time to charge and clear our energy for receiving. Lions Gate is not just about numerology but also astrology, and involves the Sun in its ruling sign of Leo and the rising of the star Sirius. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is known as our Spiritual Sun. While our earthly Sun illuminates our physical world, our Spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our timeless soul. The ancients were very in tune with the star Sirus, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilize whenever Sirius was strong in the sky. As with any new Moon.. it is a time of new beginnings.. when we can put into place our intention for the month or the years ahead. Start now, It doesn't matter where you've been or done.. start now .. sow the seeds you wan to see happen. I think most of us have had enough of fear and restriction. Imagine your community, your country, our globe as being free from all that's transpired over the last 18 months. Imagine a world that is free and open and safe and healthy. Plant the seeds of what you'd like to see happen, or how you'd like your life to play out. Plant the seeds of your dreams. This is a powerful time. Even if it's just a whisper in your heart.. feel it, intend it and let the universe bring it to you. Maybe not tomorrow but it will come. Namaste
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My dad passed away a few weeks ago. He was 94 years young but we certainly didn't expect it. He was still pottering around his garden.. still cooking and helping do the washing. A heart attack wasn't something we thought would happen. But life keeps moving and throwing curved balls
It's brought in so many variants of emotions, life lessons, reactions and not the least, some really disappointing behaviours by family members. My Mum has dementia, so there's so much there we'll have to look at. But for this post I'm going to concentrate on how death can effect people. Grief is a funny thing. While on one level you're focusing internally, grieving the loss or remembering the good (or bad) times you had with that person. Why in a time of grief... do people suddenly decide that they need to be the centre of attention. Is it that they feel they have to some how contribute and leave their stamp on the organisation or decision making. Why is it that a family member who hasn't been seen by the rest of the family in decades, turns up at the hospital on the day of the death, acts like Mum or Dad matter and then goes out of their way to pass judgement from how the deceased lived their life, what they bought, what they ate. All while proclaiming their support and 'if there's anything you need' Why is it that people get their nose out of joint because they weren't included in that conversation, or in deciding when to have dinner or in our case, ringing around for Funeral Directors just as a preliminary step to get the lay of the land. No decision had been made... just fact finding. I've heard so many other stories... it seems that the grieving process seems to disengage the considerate part of the brain and goes into surveillance mode to establish if they're being victimized or ostracized or ignored. Or just perhaps 'me' mode. No one is doing any of that... we're all grieving. In grief, you can just barely get through. You aren't always watching your P's and Q's. And sometimes, you might get the order of what to do and when a little mixed up. Why does human nature need to go looking for ways to feel hurt and get their nose out of joint. Why? why? why? I'm starting to wonder if in the period of grief.. what happens is that the idiosyncrasies of the individual become more forefront than normal. Perhaps they can hide them better in normal conversation and everyday living. I've noted that a family member has gone out of their way to point out in physical means, ie via sending a picture of them having a final goodbye breakfast on the beach... getting a wreath for the church that has a banner across it saying who it's from... that sort of display of affection or grieving. I myself... don't need to let the world know that I'm grieving. It's a personal thing between me and God, between myself and the deceased. It's appreciation for the lives we had together, it's sadness that we can't just catch up in person or over the phone, that they won't be there to have a lunch or dinner with in the physical reality. For me personally also... I don't believe that they are gone out of my world... they are still there, just in another form. The Bible says this, the Catholic church says this, and many spiritual doctrines say this. My apologies to anyone who feels quite strongly opposite to what I'm going to express. Please know I mean no disrespect or suggesting a devaluing of your own personal beliefs. We are free to feel and think what feels right to us, and can change our minds if we so choose. I'm also a little confused as to why .. even devout Catholics think that their deceased loved one is in the casket. The body in the casket was a vessel for their loved one's spirit. It's no longer their loved one from the sense of the personality... it is now just someone who represents their deceased loved one. Their loved one's soul/spirit/vibrancy/personality has left and is now in the world of spirit. That is who we loved, who we treasured, who we cherished. The essence of the person we loved is now spirit. A consciousness that is free to travel wherever it sees fit.. and from what I know.. they choose for most part, to stay in our lives through spirit. As I've said in my 'Honouring Your Soul' page ... we are a consciousness or a spirit that inhabits the body.. Sort of like a TV without a signal is just a display screen sitting on your furniture. A TV is only a TV by virtue that it receives a signal and translates that signal to a picture and sound that is meaningful to us and in a language we can understand. We are the signal to the human body. So my Dad has left this earthly 3D plane.. and yes, I will miss him in the form I'm used to seeing him in.. at the dinner table, out in his garden, falling asleep in front of the TV. BUT .. he is still here with me. Not only in my heart, not only in my memories, not only in remembering him through photos and videos and quirky little things he did. He is consciousness that exists in another plane, a plane I have access through meditation and prayer. I'm sure he'll drop me some hints and synchronicities to let me know when he's around. I'm sure I'll see him in my grandsons' faces... in their smile or that funny little look they have. I just need to be more open to the different ways I can connect with him. I hope this translates to you the reader... if you've lost someone, either lately or many years ago... I believe with my whole heart, that our loved ones, are around us and looking out for us. They are there guiding you, whispering in your ear... we just have to listen harder and trust that they are there. Never before has the saying 'believing is seeing'... or 'believing is hearing'... not the other way around (seeing is believing) been more true. Namaste Blessings and much love to you. No doubt about it, we're in the fight of our lives... a point in history we have never witnessed before and hopefully never again.
Fear is everywhere and it doesn't matter what end of the spectrum you sit. For Vaccine or against. Fear is prominent. How do you navigate these uncommon times. Ho do you keep your head above water. I am not going to cover financial strain you may be going through. Unless you are in serious financial strain, then the next level of strain is probably emotional and psychological. Lets look at our world these days....
So.. I have no magic pill, no instant cup-a-soup solution. Hope ..... is now the one thing we need to cultivate and ever so slowly allow ourselves to believe in. Did you know the mind doesn't know the difference between imagined and reality. You could be swimming in a pool or imagining yourself swimming in a pool... it's interpreted in the same way by the mind. This is science... not wishful thinking. My recollections of the timing details of the study below may not be 100% but the outcome are as per the study. It's pretty hard to forget the incredible outcomes. The study of 2 groups of piano players.. One group physically practiced 5 hours a day for a week. The 2nd group imagined playing the piano for for the same time periods. A brain scan was done of both groups both before and after the study. The brain scans showed that the group that physically played the piano had an increase in the part of the brain involved in playing an instrument.. The other group that imagined playing the piano, had similar changes. This was to show that whether imagined or real.... the body changed in response to the input. You don't have to wait till you win the lottery to imagine you've won the lottery. The feel good can be achieved whether real or imagined. Another study along the same lines ... had athletes train for a certain period.. one group actually went through training... the other group imagined they were training. Both groups saw a similar increase in muscle size post the study. Something else of interest to know. Your immune system is the MOST powerful defense you have against ANY virus. Do you know what impacts the immune system the most ... fear... yes.. fear and stress will impact you in a way that lowers your immunity. I wish I had time to find all the links for this information... but please know there is much evidence ... science peer reviewed documents and studies that totally support my statements. If in doubt have a look for yourself in With that out of the way... what does all this mean for you in everyday life. While the media and different outlets are doing their best to plant fear into your mind... sometimes you have to listen to what they're NOT saying. Look for yourself. Go to the CDC website and see for yourself what the numbers are saying. I have... it's quite interesting seeing the facts and figures... and also how they change based on well... I'm not quite sure. Surely the stats are the stats. I don't quite understand, but herein is the very point I'm making. Some things don't add up. Make Google work for you .. do a search on numbers of deaths in 2019 for upper/lower respiratory deaths compared to 2020. How many people died in 2019 compared to 2020 or 2018. My 'go to' right now is.... where there's smoke... there's fire. I'm hearing too many contrary reports... AND the biggest thing for me is the tech giants censorship. What is it they don't want you to find out? Why are they now the conscience for the world. All I'm saying pay attention. Don't take everything you hear as gospel. Do your own research. And all that aside .... whether you agree with me or not....whether you question what info is out there or not ......whether you are pro vaccine or against vaccine.. it doesn't matter .......if nothing else ... Be Master of your Thoughts. Are you slipping into fear... it's very easy to do. Become aware of what you are thinking. Remember the mind doesn't know the difference between real and imagined... Stop the fear.. imagine that you are bullet proof ... that any virus is no match for your immune system. Give your immune system what it needs and it will fight the fight! Rest, reasonable food, good sleep and above all.... less fear and stress! ... Stress is essentially fear. Fear of not being OK, fear of dying, fear of catching the virus, fear of making ends meet, fear of loosing your job, fear of losing that relationship or never having one.. Mostly ..... less fear! We can't always control the others... fear and stress will upset sleep cycles, digestion, and our ability to rest. If fear is overtaking you.... here's some things that can help. Meditate.. Quiet the mind, Listen to your favourite music, Go for a walk.. Sit under a tree.. Walk barefoot on the sand or grass, Pat your cat. Hug a friend, Listen to something funny, Paint, Draw. The options are endless... and they have been shown to help calm the nervous system ... and hence help the immune system. Did you know your immune system lives in your gut!! Yep... look after your gut, eat well and you support your immune system. Living life and getting the best out of it is really easy... big pharma and big tech and our marketing machines have made us think we need..... xxxx to live well. I'm not denying that .. having the latest phone or the greatest sound system or the biggest TV or the fastest car can make life interesting and fun. But IMHO......there's no comparison to a stunning pink/blue/purple sunset. or any other imagery that makes your heart sing. A fast car will fuel the adrenaline, the ego, and cost you a few bucks and maybe make some heads turn. I've been there... My motorcycling adventures were some of the best highs I've ever had. And so have some of the vistas and nature experiences I've witnessed that just made my heart sing. Life is simple... We don't need magic tricks or fancy anything. We have it all within our reach. My friend studied with an Old Chinese master many years ago... The Old Chinese master used to say..... "the answer you seek will always be within 50 feet" The more I study and the older I get.. that statement holds true most of the time. How is this Honouring Your Soul.. living closer to nature, honouring the gifts that nature gives you, going within are all attributes of your soul. Giving way to more hope and reducing fear... is also your soul's calling. An excerpt from the above article. While the impact of the breath on the mind is an example of one type of mind-body connection, the use of guided imagery is an example of how what’s happening in the mind impacts the body. When we imagine a situation, the primal parts of the brain react as if it was really happening. Therefore, positive visualizations have a beneficial impact on the entire nervous system, automatically relaxing all of the body’s systems. Because calming the body’s stress response supports the immune system, visualization may even help fight disease, according to some research. In conclusion, the mind-body connection is real, and it has a powerful impact on our well-being at every level. And we can learn to harness the power of the mind-body connection in our own lives to optimize our happiness and health. "Visualization is effective as it bypasses our logical (or illogical) mind by tapping into a global sense of ourselves and our emotions. It allows us to remember emotions, or to promote an emotional state connected to certain contexts.” --Dr. Michel Mennesson, MD, Psychiatrist at Newport Academy I've just listened to a podcast by Alberto Villoldo..
I've listened to a few of his sessions.. and love them all. I was actually ready to go and do his shamanic course years ago.. but finances and time didn't mix. I'd like to cover time for you; both from how we see it conventionally, and how he shamans and indigenous see it Conventionally, we see time like an arrow... it is a straight line. The past is behind us, the future ahead. We have no control over what happened before .. we are the product of our past and we have yet to taste the future. We may even fear the future. Makes us feel vulnerable yes? As if we have no control over anything? Something horrible happened to be in the past and now every time something similar happens... I get ??? or i am forever fearful of that something happening again. Shamans see time quite differently. The past and future can be one. Like a spiral turning in on itself, like a pretzel, like the infinity sign.. All time exists at once. What I do now can influence what happened in 'my past' and I can influence something I may do in the future. This can get pretty handy when you have some trauma in your earlier years... you can go back and rewrite how you perceive that event. The present, past and future co exist ... My' past lives' are happening in conjunction with my present reality. A bit mind blowing isn't it.. I thought that too when I heard this many decades ago. But I've also come to accept it, as I've had many sessions with various healers and modalities where I have re-written a traumatic event .... mainly in this life.. but if it works for this life I can't see why it wouldn't work for past/future lives. Quantum physics supports this. A change to a sub atomic particle can be instantaneous for it's partner particle half way across the globe. Distance doesn't come into it.. so it quashes our idea that we have to have time as a factor of distance. Meaning to say.. in our 3D reality... if I want to get from here to there... then I have to travel a distance and that takes some time. The reason we can go back and 're-write' our response to a traumatic event... is that the brain is pliable. In another post I wrote about how the brain doesn't know the difference between real and imagined. In fact more studies now are now showing that we can't actually depend on our memories to be accurate when recounting an event from the past. This event in the past can actually be altered by perception, time and new events. What you might swear was someone taking your lunch in grade school .... might not bear too much resemblance to what actually happened. I'm not saying anyone is lying.. it's just that our brain can alter the event based on our traumatic response or recounting and recounting it can add 'texture' to the actual memory. So.. this simply leaves the door open to going back in time and taking a traumatic memory and telling our mind a different version. This is not something you do on a lazy Sunday afternoon after a few beers. This does need someone helping you , guiding you... as you could get yourself into a pickle if you got stuck in the memory and re-living the trauma. And it usually needs to be done under hypnosis. But it can be done. So if today you fear spiders... and you remember an event that happened to you when you were 5 years old that involved spiders and scared you, it is possible through different modalities .. to go back to that event that happened when you were 5 and change your perception of it. Changing your perception of it then.. alters how you react NOW to that spider you are seeing right this very minute. I've seen it work on others and on myself. What once got your heartrate up or gave you sweaty palms ... now is just an observation. Just a note though... for many of us we may not even remember the event when we were 5 years old. In fact the event was so traumatising, that we have blocked it from our conscious waking memory. Our subconscious mind.... on the other hand ...that captures every event in our lives does still remember it... so there's no escaping it. For most of us... that is how we function. We react to an event in the .. react to a spider that's appeared on our windscreen ... that more than likely reminds us (or reminds our subconscious) of an event that happened in our earlier years. We have a reaction NOW based on how we reacted decades ago. Anyway - I think I've digressed. Back to time and our perception. How is this helpful for us in everyday life. Well, I guess if you can change your perception of time.. then while we still have to conform to our current notion of time, ie the alarm clock goes off, or a work/school deadline or a bill to pay... What we can do is realize that we are creating a new memory every moment. One that can alter a past perception and a future outcome. So what do we want to carry into our future ... a thought of doom and gloom? or one of 'life is OK' Do we want to constantly think that our neighbour is a bleep** or do we just let them be who they are (as long as they aren't hurting us) and move on and just allow them space. Do we want to keep telling ourselves we just aren't good enough or would we rather just be the best version we can be and accept we are still on our L plates and that's OK. Regardless of whether your 16 or 61... we are still on L plates when it comes to LIFE!. We surely don't know everything there is to know.. the world is constantly unfolding and changing and global perceptions that were gospel 50 years ago are now being broken. Could anyone have imagined back then that we'd be using our phones as portable computers and with instant access to databases all over the world? (internet) and with instant access to our bank accounts, food delivery, knowledge at the end of our fingertips ( thanks Google) Driverless cars? If you described a telephone to someone in the 1700's.. they'd think you were mad. I think we're on the precipice of amazing advancements. Think about Elon Musks' Starlink... global internet fast communications anywhere on the globe... even the most remote areas. Magnetism could change how we think about Power generation... and it wouldn't cost a lot. Have I digressed again! All this to say... what we think is very important. It is a window to our past and our future. Observe your thoughts ... when you catch yourself thinking thoughts that don't feel good... see if you can switch them out for something a little more uplifting or at least neutral. Remember that potentially... you are reacting in the now .... based on something that is more a byproduct of an event that happened years and years ago ... and that NOW you have the potential to decide if that is truly how you want to react. We CAN rewrite how we respond and think and behave in the now with a little self observation. Where we've been doesn't have to be where we are at now. And if we can slightly change our now, we are also impacting our future. A little mind bending? ... well perhaps... life is a bit mind bending all of it's own sometimes! Namaste HAPPY.... What does it mean to you? Does it feel like anytime you're happy.. there's a kick back?9/6/2021 I've just finished a podcast.
I was asked... what was once 'forbidden' for me in my earlier years that I've transmuted into something I am comfortable doing now. Being Happy... Yes... being happy. As a young child, I heard this from a family member.. and while I may have had the cognizance to know it was a very skewed statement.. I know I'd taken it as truth. I lived that truth for quite a while.. It was a subconscious program running my life and choices. Unknowingly by me of course. But I was witnessing the outer confirmation of that belief and not realizing I was creating it, not realizing it was within me. Gee I'm remembering when I was about 16... I'd just received my school grades.. I was sooooo happy .. I'd done well.. I was soo happy, I jumped on the pushbike and took off.. I felt like I could do anything. I thought I was master of this bike and could weave and turn any old way I wanted. It had been quite a while since I'd riden - school study/assignments and all that... but who was thinking of anything other than being happy and feeling like I'd won the gold award. Not long into my exuberant riding.. I fell. Gave myself a big walloping concussion, split my head open, landed in hospital via ambulance, a few stitches later and a few days in hospital. My very first thought was ... the remembering of what I'd heard a few times in my young life ..... "The day I'm happy is the day I die." It wasn't rocket science to piece together the ... I was happy.. and now I'd been struck down for being happy. I'd been put in my place. Who did I think I was to feel such exuberance. Didn't I know I was supposed to just lie low, tell myself I should have done better anyway. It wasn't like I'd had all A's or anything.. or done more subjects than the necessary.. What was I thinking! "The day I'm happy is the day I die." Seriously.. that was the belief of a family member.. and they lived that way too. Being miserable was a way of life. It was to be expected that things weren't necessarily going to go well. That someone must have put a curse on them... the evil eye.. there was no other explanation for things not going how they thought they should go. I mentioned this to a friend.. she had a very similar example. Her Uncle asked her one day what she wanted from life. She said.... 'to be happy' His response was .... that's not a goal.. that's not practical... that's not going to get you anywhere! How many of you think that being happy is a 'thing' that happens to someone else.. to everybody else.... but not you. That something bad will happen if you experience being happy. That every time you're'll have to pay a price for such a luxury???.. That you just have to get on with the business of living and paying bills, working hard. Happy happens after a few drinks or a shopping spree and is short lived. It's probably more prominent in our society than we think. If you're resonating with this.. happy is something for someone else... please please know that you can change this if you so desire. There are modalities out there that can help you replace the limiting belief that you can't be happy with something more uplifting like 'I am allowed to be happy' or 'I deserve to be happy' How you feel now doesn't have to be how you feel forever or tomorrow. If you'd like to know more about how to change any belief you no longer want to live with, drop me a line. Namaste Blessings to you all A funny thing happened...
I was supposed to do a podcast with Melissa yesterday. It was Memorial Day in US and she was being kept busy with visitors (which she hadn't expected) so we rescheduled for the next day - today. I emailed her this morning and confirmed the time and yes, it was today. All good. The alloted time arrived and the zoom link didn't work. I emailed her and didn't receive a response. The time was ticking and still nothing. 20 minutes post our arranged time, I sent another email. Still nada.... I then checked my sent email folder and neither of the two emails I'd sent were showing up. OK . Weirdness. More checking and still no emails displayed. I went to my laptop and sent the 3rd of my emails. That email did show up in my sent folder. So either by now.. Melissa had a inbox full of my emails (groan) or she was maybe still wondering what had happened to me. Although.. I imagine that she would have reached out to me way before that - but I did know one thing.. emails between us sometimes have been extraordinarily slow. Lets try a different medium I checked to see if she was on messenger... (so grateful for photographs - as there are pages of Melissa's with her Surname in messenger. I rang.. Messenger informed me that as we weren't already connected.. they'd send a message. As I didn't hear back from her fairly quickly....... I deduced that something must have happened on her end that didn't allow her to connect with me. OR was there.. I had the thought... 'oh.. she's not calling back because she's changed her mind and doesn't really want to talk to me anymore. Apart from the fact that she had confirmed only 3 hours earlier that we were still go.... but I HAD THE THOUGHT. Years ago... I would have entertained that thought.. I would have given it legs... (and a whole body ..just saying) I would have invited it to stay overnight and stay for dinner! BUT TODAY... I just decided I wasn't going to buy into that thought. I was going to honour Melissa's integrity, I was not going to entertain the thought that maybe I was being 'ghosted' , I didn't go into 'what did I do to make her ?, ?, ? (add any verb you like here) I just decided that ... I don't know what's going on... but I'm just going to ride this wave. It is what it is and I am no less for this experience. If it's in my highest good, all will be revealed. Mercury is in retrograde... Mercury retrograde is a disruptor, especially in communications. Even with email servers lol! Is it the planets playing with me, is it Melissa? is it just not meant to happen, is it me sabotaging things again.... an endless list. I thought no more of it... I might hear something or nothing.. I was OK with either. I had an experience which didn't go how I thought it would.. but I had an awesome chance to just ride it out and learn new things about myself, my email account! and human nature. Just an FYI.. the emails I had sent from my phone did show up in my sent folder the next day... The end result.. Melissa did make contact via email the next day. We have rescheduled for this week. I have just finished my interview with Melissa... it was pretty awesome, scary, invigorating, unexpected. But I made it through. It was a lot of fun too. So the moral to this story is.... it would have been way easy for me to go into negatives last week... built the story, stressed, maybe even cancelled the whole thing. But I didn't. I allowed the process to unfold. Maybe there's a good reason why last week wasn't a good time to have this chat ... maybe there wasn't any reason at all.. who knows and really who cares. Live in the moment.... allow things to unfold..... we can't control everything. Actually.. other than our own thoughts... we control nothing ... as frightening and implausible as that may seem to some of you. On the note of this week... tomorrow.. 10th June 2021 is a solar eclipse AND a new moon. Big energy.. new beginnings at the forefront. Lets dream of the new beginnings we want both personally and at the collective. Can't hurt and it may just be the change we want to see. Namaste Blessings and big love to you all ✨ So things are changing! Are you noticing that when you think of something and fairly soon after... it happens. Well .. for me personally - it's when I think of someone, they generally call within a 24 hour period. I've had that a few times over the years... but in the last few weeks.. it's happened at least 5 times. I've been away for 3 months and on my return... had a thought to check this website. There's been few entries pre 2020... but I decided to start a few more blogs for 2021. A few days later, I get a call from someone wanting to interview me in her podcast. She's spotted my website when she was researching her book. Totally out there... this was new level out there. I'd not had anyone contact me through the website ever.. I thought of a friend I hadn't spoken to in a few months... and she rang me the next morning.. Same same with my sister a few days later. One of my friends is facing some really serious work issues.. very depleting and creating great anxiety. I was thinking of ways to help. I had the thought that if maybe one of his friends might call, that might cheer him up a bit. I was pretty sure he wasn't opening up to anyone about this stress so a call from a friend might be just what the doctor ordered. I put the thought out.... wouldn't it be good if Ross rang Mick. Might lift Micks spirits. I ended up dismissing the whole idea.. Ross is in Melbourne, Mick is in Sydney. Both very busy and haven't spoken to each other in probably a year. Well blow my socks off.... the very next day... no joke.... Ross happens to be in Sydney for some project he's running...and calls Mick for a catch up. I did think ...... co incidence?? maybe yes.... but still pretty freaky. If you listen to some spiritual teachers.. there's many an example who will tell you .... 'there are no such things as co incidences'. The jury is still out. All I can say is ... pay attention. Put it to the test for yourself! I shared these events with a friend today... she works in a spiritual book store and said she's had lots of people convey similar experiences. Her teen son's friends are experiencing similar. Story after story expressed by people of all ages and differing belief systems, that when they think of something ..... it happens... or it appears..... or someone responds. All these people seeing that their thoughts are becoming 'things' or getting some responses much quicker than ever before. For some never before. I think we're all surprised.. and amazed The 'ask and you shall receive'. The ...'thoughts are things... they have power'. If you didn't believe it before.. might be time to take stock and monitor your own thoughts. Here's just a few things to explore.... why might things be changing? I keep hearing how the energies on the planet are changing. Did you know the Earth's axis is shifting? Some in the know are blaming climate change. Others are saying it has nothing to do with climate change... it has to do that we are literally in a brand new phase of our evolution. The Mayan calender ended in 2012. As in .. .there were no more entries. Back then, there were predictions that the world must be ending. Why else did the Mayans stop writing anything for post 2012. Well... no need to tell you we are still here. For the last 2160 years we were in the Age of Pisces. We are now in the Age of Aquarius... those old enough will remember that song last century (1969) For more info on the differences between the two ages.. For info on the shift on the Earth's axis Have you heard of the Schumann Frequency? The Shumann resonance is the pulse of the earth. I am certainly not across this to the depth I'd like.. and there are experts out there that have differing opinions. There's a few links here for you to investigate further. For more info on Schumann Frequency We've had some interesting planetary interactions and even some rare combinations happen over the last few years. Right now is no exception. Eclipse season, multiple retrogrades .... This is no ordinary time. All this to say... there are changes happening... we may not know the why of them, but they are here, so lets just go with it and accept there is 'stuff' happening that may or is impacting our very nature of existence We might just be in a different time/space ..... I've been hearing for a few years that we are becoming more conscious.. more aware.. more connected to our inner world, more aware that we are all connected. Stay tuned to more on all of the above. Hold onto your hats .... and your minds. The world is a changing like never before in our known history. Namaste |