What is Honouring your Soul.
What is 'Honouring your Soul' - What is Soul?
Dictionary Definition is
SOUL is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
synonyms for Soul : inspiration; feeling; emotion; passion; animation; intensity; fervour; ardour; enthusiasm; warmth; energy; vitality; vivacity; spirit.
My definition:
The soul is the self, the "I" that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a TV without reception.
The soul is that spark of life force from the creator - the one thing that is ALWAYS you. Through space and time and dimension - it is the part of you that is connected to all things, the part that is part of the whole, as a drop of water in the ocean is to the whole ocean. It is not your mind or your brain. It is not your busy waking part. It is not the part that remembers you have an appointment.
Your Soul is hard to explain but I'll give it my best shot. Your soul is that part that is evoked when you feel joy when you see a great Sunset, that feels compassion when you see a bird with a broken wing, that calls you to hop in the car and go for a drive, just because you can; that is tuned in when you are doing creative activities - painting, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, dreaming.
The soul is your intuitive connection. Through the soul you are connected to everything (including everyone) and those goose bumps you feel when you meet someone, the text or phone call you get from a friend just after you were thinking of them, the dejavu; the sense that something isn't right or the knowing when someone you care about is hurting..... this is the domain of the soul.
Shakespeare said - we are but players in a play. Our soul part is the orchestrator of the play - and out minds and bodies are the instrument so that we can explore the many dimensions of humanity. To Love, to Feel, to Experience. Our SOUL gives us our 'calling'.
That feeling you get that sort of says - 'I'm not sure why I want to do this - but I do.... I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I feel a hunger to experience or do or explore this...... Soul is calling to you when you find yourself asking - what's the point of this..... what ever the this is...... surely there's more to life than this.....
We are all so used to the doing.. the going to work, paying the bills, mowing the lawn.... that we lose track of the things that bring joy to our lives. It is THOSE joyful things that are indicators of 'SOUL'
How do I Honour my soul?
And you might be asking the question - why do I have to honour my soul. What's so important about this soul of mine that just getting through every day isn't enough. I go to work, I pay the bills, I provide for my family, I'm free to do pretty much whatever I feel like.
We have our directional system, not unlike a radar or sonar.. but we aren't using it to detect physical things or safety issues (per se) - we use it to help direct it to opportunities, relationships, occupations, locations that will deliver the things that we have chosen to experience. For most part - these are experiences that allow us to explore the depths of who we are. Lets face it - it's the every day experiences that show and teach us how much we can manage/bear/create/experience.
Please know that if you are meant to experience something, there's no amount of time, distance, place where you can hide to avert it - Sort of like GOD is everywhere and sees everything - there is nowhere to hide.
So - how DO you honour your soul..
As cliche as it sounds - it is to follow your dream, listen to the whispers before they become screams; to become more of you each day, it's to ditch the 'I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy enough, I don't deserve to be happy, I don't deserve a great job, a great relationship, a great life, oodles of abundance.....
And you might be thinking - who thinks that.....
The unfortunate answer is - most of us.. unconsciously or secretly .... otherwise, we'd all have the dream job, the dream life, the red Ferrari or latest Ducati or Harley; or the great house on the beach and be on holiday every year.
Very simplistic for a reason - to make the point. It isn't a straight equation of course.... but the essence is very true.
We have so many aspects to our divinity that mapping anything on a one to one relationship isn't realistic.
We all have the 'have to do's' in life.... we work and we have our friends and family and build a life that sort of fits into a culturally or socially acceptable framework. That's fine - we have to do that
What Honouring the soul means is that - we step beyond the 'cultural or social framework' and find our buzz, our calling, our sweet spot - where we feel free or joy or exuberance for life and do that thing or experience just because you can.
It's nurturing that part of you that can't be seen, that very seldom asks anything of you, but yet drives you with the strongest of compass.
Given what I've said - it might look like anyone who has all or some of the above must be honouring their soul. Perhaps not. To know for sure, you'd have to ask them if they were really.. I mean really happy. Not happy because they have money to throw around, but happy at the core of their being. If their answer was an honest yes, then chances are they are being true to themselves.
When you are honouring your soul, life is synchronistic, joyous, flows easily and delivers the most amazing experiences and opportunities.
How do I know what my SOUL wants to tell me
Many ways - but perhaps the simplest is just to be still.
Be in the Moment.
Allow yourself the freedom to dream, to look around you at and in nature and observe, smile with your heart and your mind as well as your face. Feel for what it is you'd like to do right now.... it might be to treat yourself to a coffee, to lie outside on the grass, to walk barefoot on the sand, fly a kite, go for a walk, play music that you like......
Do it - even for a short time. Allow yourself these simple things at first and allow the whispers to become louder messages towards things that make you happy.