I'd been told for quite a few years I should write; that I had a way of explaining things that could help others. There's been no shortage of adventure in my life.... mostly of the 'within kind' and possibly I did have a unique way of looking at things.
Where do I get my views and knowledge from? Years, decades actually of going within.
I decided in my 30's ... that I didn't like the way my life was going.
I was repeating the patterns I didn't like, I was becoming my mother and at this stage I had a young daughter.
I decided then, that 'the buck stops here'
I wasn't going to keep passing on old belief patterns to the next generation. I wanted my little girl to be a confident, open minded assertive, loving, compassionate woman. I had some of those qualities in me, but was missing the confident and assertive qualities. I wanted to lead by example, be the best version of me that I could. Why was I shy, reserved, 'stay at the back of the room' woman?
Multiple reasons, but mainly I didn't believe in myself.... I had belief systems that told me I only deserved to be at the back of the room. The next 25 years or more was, as it turns out, the wonderful journey inwards, to tear down the walls that blocked me in, to unbind the ropes, to un-break my heart, to find my free will and courage to walk the walk I wanted.
Being inquisitive and leave no stone unturned type of person... I've bounced around the world both from an adventure perspective and wanting to know more.
From Ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle and working with both Peruvian and Hawaiin Shamans, to Kineseology, Reiki, Counselling, EFT Tapping, Crystals, Essential Oils, Body Code, multiple Dr Joe Dispenza workshops, Reflexology, Acupuncture, Astrology,.Soul work, Regression, Hypnosis - Its been a study and a learning for me. Some of these have been college studies and other experiential where I was the receiver.
Whatever I may know now, compared to 30 years ago.. I haven't reached enlightenment - as the Zen proverb goes .... before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. .. after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
We have to live in our reality, whatever our stage in our own evolution is. and I can say hand on heart.... the more I learn, the more I realize just how little I know!
May you find something here for you.
To uplift you, deepen your understanding of something or make you question what is 'norm'.
Entertain you or inform you.
A place for you to get in touch with the unseen but yet potent part of yourself... YOUR SOUL.
It is WHO you are.... what makes you ...... YOU
Blessings and happy journeys to you.