No, I haven't goofed at spelling... I am meaning the word rationalise -
'attempt to explain or justify (behaviour or an attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate' A light bulb went on today when John Assaraf (multiple New York Times best seller) brought this to my attention in a workshop I was listening to. I've also heard this from Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden.. but today - it sort of stuck! Caboom.... So lets back track a little... Here's a summary of the latest mind/body information and mind mapping thanks to functional MRI's used to see what parts of the brain light up when we are feeling emotions or processing information. Most of our daily thoughts are driven from our subconscious mind. By the time you are 35; you are functioning from the subconscious mind 95% of the day. that is to say - most of everything you think, do, feel - is a function of things/events/feelings from the past. And you thought you were making decisions from the NOW! Our subconscious mind is a record of the past - every experience, emotion we've ever had is recorded in the subconsious. It's like this major hardrive - yottabytes of data of our life experiences vs the conscious mind - the size of a 2GB drive in terms of capacity (as a comparative) - you get my drift.. We are also looking at processing power of our subconsious for example the largest computer NASA might use in 2019 - compared to an old 1964 IBM for the conscious mind. Afterall... all those bodily functions we are oblivious to - the digestion, breathing, movement, heart beating, inhalation, energy production - they all happen without us thinking about it - you need need lots of processing power just for that. Thank goodness we don't need to consciously keep tabs on our heart rhythm and breathing! This same processing power is also remembering all those experiences we've ever had; and decided (at the time) that we needed to 'mark as dangerous' or 'walk in the park' or anything and everything in between. This is where we now draw upon to decide in the current situation at hand how we might respond. It's the same processing power that is at play when we might be driving and suddenly think to ourselves... I don't remember driving through those streets - where have I been?.. By the time we are 35, very little of what we think every day is a new thought - it's repeating the thoughts and patterns we have become accustomed to. With that said, every day we are re-living the same old patterns we are used to.. thinking that this is a new day and we are choosing a new reaction or thought, when in fact, it's a re-hash of experiential reactions we are familiar with. Back to honouring your soul - Ever had an urge like want to quit your job because you just hate it? Want to ask someone out on a date...... want to take piano lessons? learn to Tango? want to speak up about an injustice?. but you talk yourself out of it because...... you rationalies your way away from it? The urge was your soul asking you to take some action or have a belief... a call to adventure or peace or just plain old fun..... A small clarification... if your thought was about something that could hurt another - then that is not likely your soul speaking.. that is more likely ego. The SOUL will never ask anything of you that isn't for your highest good. It may seem that speaking up or offering someone a hand, quitting your job might put you in harms way.. but the gift out of that initial nervousness/challenge will be far greater than you can imagine. But rational thought steps in ..... tells you some lies (you can't afford it; you're too old/young, you can't do that? what will people think?....) so you talk yourself into not taking any action or taking different action that might be similar but not what you actually wanted to do. I am making it simple here .... I know sometimes you really want to quit your job but you have mouths to feed.. bills to pay ..... - and that is for another post. But allow me to say .... sometimes you have to take a leap of faith - there is more than meets the eye Horatio in the nature of the experience we are having on this earth plane ... and TRUST is a big factor of the soul. Things will eventually work out for you in ways you cannot even imagine.. Step back another step.... did you know the hypothalamus gland in your brain has a function of detecting change..... that's one of it's main functions.... warning warning .....change alert... let's not upset the apple cart... lets keep the status quo. That's a necessary function when you are caveman or out in the wilderness... and why we have the gland in the fist place... part of the fight or flight mechanism.... to protect us from imminent sabre tooth tiger danger ..... but no so necessary in our modern world. It's also why we know change is 'uncomfortable'... it's that gland releasing all these nuerochemicals to try and unsettle us so that we are wary of change ...... So - the urge to step out of your 'norm' from your soul, arrives into your psyche... (Honour your soul) Gets overriden by the rational lies your subconsious is telling you.... (stopped by a record of your past) because the hypothalamus has detected a change and is trying to keep the status quo.... (purpose to alert you to change) YOU are reacting from a place that is a record of your past to stop you doing something in the now.... The only place we can truly ever be honouring our soul is if we are in the present moment... if we stop ourselves because we rational lies ourselves into not taking action, we are letting the past dictate our present moment .... The minute the mind is orchestrating our present, we have stepped out of our heart space and into the past.. Don't know about you , but that to me is not how I want to function. If I truly want to be deciding what is best for me .... it HAS to come from the heart... if it comes from any part of the mind, then I am just repeating the past... Man, I thought I had grown so much until I realised this today... for most part, because I am giving over to the rational of the mind, I am living in the past... Sad.... but so glad I ticked tocked this ahha moment. Putting this into action - It's harder to do - To reach that balance of living in the moment and not letting our fears dictate or override our intent to live from the heart. AND ...... awareness is everything... once we are conscious in our daily life to observe our choices - they become easier to change. It isn't something you'll decide today and wham .... tomorrow it's all different. But it is something that we can do every day - a little at a time.. call ourselves on our reactions/behaviours and ask.... is this what I choose for today? Is this what I choose for myself. Blessings ... may the force be with you.