This is exciting. I've created my web page (a very simple one for now ) and now I'm ready to start to write. Funny how when you're on the spot it's hard to know what to start writing. I'm sure I'll sort that out! To say it's been an interesting journey doesn't even begin to cover it. But as we've all heard so many times before - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I can attest to that! There have been times I didn't think I would live to see the light of the new day; there have been times when I collapsed on the floor and cried for help (East Pray Love - perhaps this resonates with some of you :-) ) There have been days when I couldn't get out of bed and didn't want to; there have been moments where it just felt too hard. But I'm here to also say - despite all that - the journey was well worth it. I would indeed do it again (although I'd like to think I would be smarter about it next time round). Hopefully I'll remember some of the things I've learnt. Blessings to you Namaste